Have you been enjoying the perks of your electric car? It is certainly nice saving money on gas every week as you run from one place to another. One problem many electric car owners are discovering is the fact their car isn’t quite keeping up with them. Most electric cars can get anywhere from 35 […]
panel upgrade
Electrical Safety Inspections Prevent Devastation Explains Miami Electrician
You can never be too safe when it comes to protecting your family in the massive investment you call a home. Home fires are absolutely tragic. Fortunately, most people are alerted to the danger by a smoke detector, but even if everybody makes it out alive, there is always a risk of injury. Often times, […]
If your home was built before 1950, you may need a wiring upgrade. This is not something you would likely be able to see just by walking in the front door of your house. You will need an electrician in Fort Lauderdale to do an inspection to determine the condition of your wiring and whether […]
Winter Hot Tub Fun Made Possible by Electrician in West Palm Beach
Yes, it is the middle of winter, but Florida is still enjoying some mild temperatures. With the holidays around the corner, you are probably trying to think of that one thing that would make an excellent gift for the whole family. A hot tub is something you may be considering. Sitting outside in a hot […]
There are times when you are not sure if you need an electrician or if you can take care of a problem in your on your own. One rule of thumb to keep in mind is that anything that deals with electricity is something that should always be handled with caution. When in doubt, call […]
Electric Car Chargers – Do You Need an Electrician in West Palm Beach?
After you buy an electric car, you have another decision to make. Do you purchase the Level 1 or Level 2 charging system? The car dealership may explain the difference to you, but it doesn’t hurt to do some research before making a final decision. Your electrician in West Palm Beach has some information you […]